"AHA" means Associate – Harmonize – Accept.

What is meaningful – possible – necessary?

Existent thought – causal event...

Perceived images – symbols and signs...

Glyphs and hieroglyphs...


Communication between visible and invisible?

The inner actions of thought are going on, – when do discoverable events occur?

"AI" – Associative Intelligence or Artificial Intelligence?

An existent thought exists in the "memory" – what inner message is stored?

Not acting may have a well-thought-out reason.





We humans like to use metaphors and ride a semantic elevator between the abstract and the concrete.

What is up and what is down – when we have to explain the situation that prevails?

Or is it a journey between our inner experiencing world and the discovered outer world?

Is it possible to fully retell what has already happened within the directly experienced reality and the described reality?

What will happen?

Is a wise inner thought behind an external action - "forbidden" in relation to a jointly decided set of rules?

Are there exceptions?

This is the dilemma of "man" and thus a common problem for all of us.

If we were to define ourselves as experiencing and discovering – we have the opportunity to see our common world as a space where a constant chronicle game is going on.

It is thus the human perspective with the dispositive that is available.

In economics, which is a common concept in the common environment, it is necessary to be able to objectively perceive our assets and liabilities, in order to know with whom we have these relationships.

We often communicate mental experiences in inner images.

The personal vision is an inner image – who understands?

Pictures become numbers – numbers become curves and mathematical symbols.

What is real, what is unreal, and what is science?

It becomes an existential perspective.

This subjective perspective from the inside out – turns assets into requirements for availability and liabilities into obligations.

As a thinking man and person, the insight into my "own world" appears as an experienced situation, while the perspective is opened up to a discovered world.

The "outside world" consists of individual people with their experienced situation, who discover their own surroundings from their own situation.

Then the meeting between our different cultures can be complex, to say the least, - as a common situation.

Man meets man – situation meets situation.


It is a meeting between the objectively detectable and the subjectively perceived.

Today's situation is that we seem to be in a rhetorical war – which risks getting out of hand.

Is this, in a global perspective and in character, "World War III"?

Or could this utopian be the beginning of "first world peace"?

Who has the "ball"?

World War II – whose collective mass insanity became an effect that created global efforts to devise a concept that would fulfill the wishes: "never again".

In action, initiatives to conceptualize their own conditions were started.

In Sweden, there was optimism for the future and insight into their own assets and economic conditions in the people's home that was under development – "the Swedish model".

In the ruins of the war, the European Community idea arose – with the Coal and Steel Union as a background concept.

In the nineties, Sweden applied for membership of the European Community, which was also something of a cultural revolution in thinking.

In the light of this history, "The Logic of the Three Frames" is below, an attempt to use the neutral concept of "MOR" – The Human Organization – Space, to enable a consensus on the common human within European culture.

To want to put "the human in the middle" (ORIGO) on the imaginary map, becomes difficult when the management question arises, who puts whom "in the middle" as a natural person?


The concept here is that the individual is always the responsible subject and the focus of their own activities.

Is it the organization that is the center of the activities that take place?

Can we interpret images into numbers in a specific "template"?

Can we interpret numbers from the "template" into pictures of the situation that applies in each temporal here and now?

The financial accounting in the Swedish model, developed from the "normal chart of accounts" and external accounting of the inner reality, becomes part of the "spatial state" of the environment.

It then requires a communication between sender and receiver in perceived consensus with a common understanding of the situation – in practice a dialogue (through "words").

Who warns of risks in the situation as a constant change of spatial condition?

It is necessary to make demands on the organization as a tool in a common co-subjective process in common interpretation.

Is it possible to sit on the train and stand at the station at the same time?

Is a new worldview emerging through all the forces and noise that is constantly going on?

Is there too much information and is it the right information in the outer style and inner message?

A company is people who take constructive actions.


Where are we "on the road"?

In Harry Martinson's dystopia Aniara, there is a quote (translated from swedish):

"To give you the terror like a star gleaming

My friend, you know too much without thinking."

How can "I" as a person and a person know how, where and when, of what is naturally constantly going on in the "noise"?

And why?

Do we only "think" that we understand?

Are we on "Aniara" as a metaphor for the earth where we live, work and reside?

When we account for our mutual tasks in the roles we have to play – it is always a retelling of what is going on within the logic of the three frameworks.

  • I am a person who realizes my assets and limitations, and has the insight of how "little I personally know".


  • Are "you" inside och outside the the reality of the three frames?